Style tips from your Boise photographer

Here’s a question that comes up all the time: What should we wear? It’s something I get asked before nearly every session. And often, the best answer for me is another question: What makes you feel good? Is it a long, floaty dress that gives you some serious ethereal vibes? Is it jeans and a striped top, a la Kate Middleton? Whatever makes you feel your most amazing is what you should wear.

Of course, that advice only goes so far when you’re dressing more than one person. Start adding in significant others and kids, and finding outfits that work for everyone gets a little trickier. Many couples and families want to convey a look that says “we’re a package deal,” with complimentary colors and patterns. If that’s you, here are my tips for dressing to impress in your Boise photoshoot.

Coordinating with the family

Family photos are an event; something to prepare for and invest in. Even after time has gone by and your children are grown, the photos you take today will be there always — a literal snapshot of what life looked like for a little while.

When dressing your family, it helps to start with one outfit, then branch off from there. My advice to Mom or Dad — whoever’s organizing the outing — is to choose your outfit first. Top, bottoms, shoes, accessories, everything.

Once you know what color palate and aesthetic you’re going for, pick out a few options for everyone else that will match. From there, let your kids choose which of your suggestions they will wear for the day. That way, they also have some pride and ownership over how they look in your family photos.

If you’re having trouble finding a common theme between outfits you already own, it doesn’t hurt to pick out something new. Style and Select, the styling site I’ve partnered with for my clients, is great for this. You choose the colors and the style you like, and the site provides options.

Kids love it because they have lots of options to pick from, and since it’s all organized by color and style, everything listed is sure to coordinate beautifully! If you already have at least one of your outfits at home but need to pick up something for someone else, you can also upload your own pictures to Style and Select, and then compare your options side by side.

Coordinating as a couple

Coordinating with a significant other isn’t much different from getting everyone in the family ready to go. But since it’s just the two of you and presumably fewer people to please, here are some additional, more advanced tips to consider.

  1. Pair a pattern with a solid. You’ll notice a lot of clothing stores do this with their models or mannequins. If one has a solid top, the one beside it wears a pattern. The pattern should still carry the color of the solid, but it’ll bring in some other colors as well. This gives couples that unified look without being overly matchy.
  2. Add in some layers. A leather jacket, a fall sweater, a chunky scarf … layers aren’t just stylish. They’re slimming too. I find a lot of guys, especially, struggle with layers, but even the most confident man can feel a little self-conscious in his own skin. To these great guys especially, I’d say just give the layered look a try. Many people are surprised by what a fashion-forward jacket — jean, leather, sport coat, etc. — can bring to the mix.
  3. Embrace the French tuck. This is a Queer Eye favorite (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, check it out on Netflix). Best of all, it looks great on just about anyone, especially paired with layers. Try it out and see what you think.
  4. Don’t forget the footwear. In all the hustle and bustle of trying on outfits, some couples overlook one very important piece: shoes. If your collection of footwear is limited to athletic shoes and Crocs, that’s fine. Just keep that in mind when planning your outfit as a whole. As long as what you’re wearing from head to toe looks intentional, there’s no reason you can’t show off your favorite pair of sneakers.

It’s easy to let stress take over when thinking about what you might wear in family or couple photos. We are our own worst critics, zeroing in on details no one else would even notice.

My advice? Take a breath. Come prepared with outfits you feel comfortable in on every level. Something that makes you feel confident and self-assured so that your greatest accessory — your smile — is never far away.