So you’ve decided to get some family photos done! I’m honored to be on your potential list of Boise family photographers. It’s possible you’ve already done some research, but just in case, here are just a few things to keep in mind when booking me or any other family photographer in the Treasure Valley.

Boise family photographers

Book your session at least two weeks in advance

Family photos are an event, and more preparation goes into them than a lot of people realize. For one thing, there’s the decision over what to wear. Many families choose to coordinate their outfits with a selection of similar colors and patterns, which takes some forethought.

Make sure you leave enough time to order some new outfits through my styling site and, if you can, schedule some time to pamper yourself prior to your shoot. Family photos are fun but can get a little stressful for parents. Get your zen on before the session starts and see if it doesn’t improve how you handle any baby breakdowns or tantrums as the day unfolds.

Typically, this Boise family photographer books about a month in advance, particularly in the fall.

boise family photographers

Don’t exclude yourself from family photos

For some people, this might sound like a no-brainer. Others might shake their heads, saying “No, I don’t want any photos of me” or “I really don’t like the way I look in photos, so just the kids, please.”

If the latter of these is you, I’m telling you right now that it’s a mistake to exclude yourself from family photos. Now, of course I’ll be getting some pictures of just the kids. Kids are cute, and they do cute, photogenic things. But later in life, when those kids are all grown up, it’s not the photos of themselves they’re going to cherish most. It’s the photos of them, in your arms, that will matter to them more than anything. I think it is so important children be able to look back in 20 or 50 years and see how you, their mom or dad or aunt or other relative, looked when they were young. And they should be able to see how much they were loved, even then. For this reason, I insist that parents participate in all of my family sessions

You may be wondering about other family members as well, including the four-legged variety. To that, I say the more, the merrier!

boise family photographers

Pack a small day bag for your family photo session

If you were the only one getting photographed, I’d say just bring yourself, but with the added equation of kiddos and/or fur babies, it’s best to come prepared.

Here are a few items I recommend packing and bringing along on your family photography session:


  • Water and light, non-messy snacks: Kids, especially, get fussy when they aren’t comfortable. Always pack at least one water bottle and some easy snack items like Ritz crackers or apple slices. Avoid foods that will stain (like cheesy crackers) or get caught in teeth and make for awkward smiles.
  • A change of clothes: You might be changing outfits partway through anyway, but even if you’re planning on staying in the same thing the whole time, it doesn’t hurt to bring an extra outfit for really little ones who might have an accident midway through.
  • A blanket: We’ll likely take a couple seated photos of your family, and you’ll want something you can put down to keep grass stains or mud from getting on those nice clothes. Bonus if it’s a blanket that goes with your family outfits.
  • Small treats: Whoever said parents shouldn’t bribe their children has obviously never had kids themselves. I usually carry some Smarties to use as leverage for cute smiles and attentiveness dring pictures, but you might have an alternative that will get the job done. Like the first item on this list, avoid anything messy like chocolate.
  • Any truly meaningful toys: If your child has a lovey that will make them feel more comfortable while they get warmed up, they can certainly bring that along.


I don’t really use props in my sessions, so I wouldn’t get too hung up on bringing in items from home. Basically, just come as you are, ready to love on your family, and let me do the rest.

Family photos are a lot of fun, and we’re fortunate in that Boise is truly a stunning place to show off your beautiful loved ones. Questions about my work? Give me a call, or shoot me a chat!

boise family photographers